
If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or discouraged in your current job...
It's time to make a change. Use my proven strategies that actually work and FINALLY land a fulfilling role and thrive.

You’re a professional ready to make your next move, but you’re not quite sure how to get there.

You know you’re well qualified for the roles you apply for, but you’re not making any successful progress. 

And you’re wondering.. 

How do I land my next role when I can’t even land an interview? And can I speed up this whole process because I don’t want to waste my time or money doing the wrong things.


Let's call job searching
what it is... hard!

(...but it doesn't have to be)

Do you feel like...

You have no idea where to start in your search, (let alone succeed). You’re pretty sure your resume needs help, but you’re not sure what exactly needs fixed.

You’re not sure how to handle interviews because there’s such a wide variety of questions that could catch you off guard and you're worried you'll fall short.

You apply for roles you know you’re well qualified for you but you either hear crickets or quickly get a rejection email.

Sometimes when you find a position that looks ideal you wonder if you should even apply. You question your capabilities and if you’d actually be able to do all they're asking.

You want to get hired in a well paying role, but quite frankly you’re not sure how to approach salary. You don’t want to low-ball yourself or come in too high and get eliminated.

You don’t want to continue down this path because everyday NOT in your ideal career is draining you in every sense.

The truth is - You have what it takes,
you just need the right tools and
resources to get there!

Now slow your scroll for a second

Imagine what it would be like to..

  • Hit the submit button on an application and get a call for an interview in less than 24 hours!
  • Have multiple recruiters approach you for positions and have them try to convince you to take their role. Not the other way around.
  • Command the room in an interview and leave everyone wanting to hire you!
  • Have not one, by several offers to choose from with the ability to negotiate for an offer higher than you thought attainable.
  • Land a role that leaves you feeling excited about Monday’s and fulfilled in life.


Sound too good to be true?

It's not.

... I know because I’ve taught hundreds of other career seekers how to do it! And I can’t wait to show YOU how to do it too.

"I've landed my dream job!"

"I was trying to make a career switch. I was working so hard but I just wasn't getting interviewed. Although I knew I was qualified, I was struggling to break into the tech industry. I feel like I tried everything but no one wanted to interview me. Renae helped me to change my approach completely, and now I have my actual dream job. Thank you Renae!"
Career Coach resume and job offer help
Todd G.
Software Developer

"My resume was fine, but I wasn't sure how to fix it"

"I felt like I was blindly applying all over the place. My resume was fine but I just wasn’t sure how to fix it. I had no idea about salary negotiations, or how to professionally describe myself in an interview. Renae is so professional, knowledgeable and confident in what she does and therefore brings confidence to you. It’s hard looking for the right job and putting yourself out there but Renae takes care of you every step of the way. And any worries you have she puts them at ease."
Renae the Career coach client testimonial
Lindsey L.
Branch Manager

"If you are struggling in your job search...Renae can 100% help"

"With Renae’s help I was able to make my resume stand out more and got through to the phone interview phase. Renae gave me the tools to be successful so I could do this on my own, rather than have her do it for me. Renae was always encouraging, understanding, and empathetic. If you are struggling at any point in your job search from resume writing, interviewing, take home projects, whatever it may be; Renae can 100% help you. She can assist you with feelings of anxiety during the interview phase and help you with salary negotiations when the time comes for it."
career elevation course renae the career coach testimonial
Rob C.
Talent Acquisition Operations Specialist



Career elevation program renae the career coach

A complete, step-by-step program that teaches you how to navigate the entire job search process with confidence and ease.
Develop the skills and resources that will carry you from job application to offer and be seen as the top candidate!

But wait, have we met?

Hi, I’m Renae!

Did you know that before becoming a successful recruiter hiring for companies like Walmart, Verizon, Cummins, and more .. I was having trouble landing interviews myself. 

I didn’t understand how to create a compelling resume, but I did understand the value of a strong network and I used that power to land a career I loved. I worked my way up in the HR and recruiting word for years. I saw that it wasn’t so much the most qualified candidate that got the job every time, but the candidate who showcased and communicated their skills and talents the best – making them the most sought-after-candidate who got the offer.


Career Course, how to get hired in a career you'll love
Career coaching and job search and resume writing help

While I enjoyed the recruiting world, I wanted to do more to help job seekers. I spoke to a lot of candidates who were where I once was. Yet, as a recruiter I wasn’t able to give candidate’s the feedback they deserved as to why they were rejected. This was just one of the many driving forces which led me to become a career coach – to share everything that will help job seekers land the job. 

The processes and strategies I’ve used to transform hundreds of clients’ careers is now the Career Elevation Program. You can now get this strategically-paced training showing you the exact steps to take to land a life-changing career.

Want a peak inside the program that will change your
entire career search and help you land more offers?

Here's What Is Waiting For You Inside
the Career elevation Program

Module One

Winning Mindset

Before we even touch your resume we need to set you up for success. Both mentally and with a clear vision of where you’re going. 

Setting up this strong foundation will only set you up for long term success. 

In Module 1 you will learn:
  • How to stay positive in your job search with small shifts in how you think you will become more confident and positive which will spill over into how you’re perceived  as a candidate. 
  • Defining what success looks like for you. In order to find a role that is fulfilling it has to align with you and your goals and values.
  • Determine what your ideal career is and develop a clear plan to achieve it. 
  • Understand what makes up your career story so you can speak more clearly to your unique situations. 
  • Create your personal branding. This is something that should be consistently weaved throughout your job search materials as well as how you speak to who you are and what you’re looking for. Getting clear on your personal branding will only make you come across as a more qualified candidate. 

    WALK AWAY WITH a positive mindset that will change your whole search and a winning plan for your career moving forward.

Module two

Resume Revamp

Understand what exactly recruiters and hiring managers are looking for when they view your resume. We will uncover your accomplishments and create a winning resume that will stand out and land you interviews! 

In Module 2 you will learn:
  • What layout you should be aiming to have for your resume (because yes it does matter) as well as what sections are most important, where they should specifically go and what should be included (even optional sections).
  • My special formula for writing incredible bullet points so that anyone who sees your resume will know you made an impact! 
  • What it means to tailor your resume to the job and learn how to be successful at it.
  • The most important step in applying that most people skip all together, but will ensure you get noticed and increase your overall chances of getting an interview!
  • Understand how to address any and all special cases. Whether you feel like you’re a job hopper, have gaps on your resume, feel under or over qualified, (or that you have no experience at all) you’ll learn how to address all these areas on your resume.

    WALK AWAY WITH a resume you’re confident about and the knowledge and tools to communicate your value so you get more interviews and less rejection emails.

Module three

LinkedIn Level Up

LinkedIn is your online resume and plays a big role in your job search. In order to start getting approached by recruiters, having a well optimized LinkedIn is crutial. 

In Module 3 you will learn:
  • How recruiter’s are searching on LinkedIn so you can start to show up where they are searching.
  • How to utilize your LinkedIn Headline so it’s working for you not against you.
  • What it means to tailor your resume to the job and learn how to be successful at it.
  •  The value of your job titles and how to avoid the mistakes that many people make on their job titles.
  • What simple changes you can make to your overall profile that will make a huge impact on you being found by the right people on LinkedIn.

    WALK AWAY WITH a completely optimized LinkedIn profile that will start working for you and help you get recruited for roles without even applying!



Module four

Proactive Approach

Being proactive is the only way to approach a job search. Develop a job search strategy that will set you apart from the competition and set you up for success in your search.

In Module 4 you will learn:
  • How to grow your entire online and in-person networks.
  • The value of the hidden job market and how to tap into it!
  • How to utilize every aspect of LinkedIn to your advantage.
  • The secret to building connections and relationships with people at who work at your dream companies.

    a better understanding of how to get results in your search through creating and executing a fool proof job search strategy. 

Module five

Interview Like a Pro

This is where the magic happens. Now that you’ve got an incredible resume, LinkedIn and proactive strategy, you’ll start landing interviews and this is where you’ll learn how to impress every interviewer and solidify the job offer!

In Module 5 you will learn:
  • Every aspect of interview preparation and what strategies to use when researching a company.
  • How to be the most memorable and favorite candidate.
  • The WLP Framework to answering any type of interview question. 
  • The 3 different styles of interview questions to expect and what each will entail so you can always know what to expect.
  • The CARL Method to answering interview questions and see specific examples.
  • How to Impress in the first round interview.
  • What it takes to master the second round interview.
  • How to win the final interview and land the offer.

    WALK AWAY WITH a complete understanding of what goes into each interview and how to best prepare and answer specific interview questions so you no longer feel overwhelmed or stressed by the process.

Module six

The Pay You Deserve

You’ve succeeded in every aspect of the hiring process and have now received a job offer! Learn how to ensure you’re getting the best offer possible and avoid undervaluing yourself. 

In Module 6 you will learn: 
  • How to value your worth and what to ask for as a reasonable yet competitive salary range
  • Every detail surrounding the negotiation process including when it actually starts.
  • All about market research and how companies come up with their pay scales. Knowing how they approach the offer process will give you an upper hand when talking numbers. 
  • The powerful skill of negotiation
  • Why it’s important to understand the whole offer and how to value it accordingly (it’s more than just the base salary)

     an understanding of how to land a career you’re excited about and an offer to match your value.

And you'll be supported every step of the way with...

Private Community

$1997 VALUE

Inside the Career Elevation Program Facebook group, you’ll connect with other career seekers, build your network, get feedback, stay accountable and receive answers to your questions directly from me!
You’ll have lifetime access to the CEC community. Because once you’re in, I’ll have your back forever!
Career elevation course private community members only

Other Career Elevation Program Wins

"I've landed an exciting new position!"

"Working with Renae you are getting a lot more than what they are probably expecting. Renae goes above and beyond to help others. She really knows what she is doing, and knows the tricks that most of us don’t know. I learned what things to say to recruiters, how to fix my resume, what to say during interviews, and landed an exciting new position!"
career transformation course
Jose M.
Cybersecurity Analyst

"I closed the deal in the interview."

"Renae provided me with the correct tools to help land me the role. She helped encourage me to follow up and see what the status was and provided me with the confidence and training I needed to close the deal in the interview. I walked away with an increased confidence and understanding of what exactly hiring managers look for, why, and how to land the job. Thank you!"
career elevation course renae the career coach testimonial
Lindsay M.
Corporate Environmental Manager

"I landed an offer making 125% more!"

"I needed help customizing my resume to fit the positions I was targeting and help practicing certain interview questions. Renae helped me create an optimized resume that got noticed by recruiters, and helped me know what to expect in the interviews. In the end I landed an offer making 125% more using her strategies in the negotiation process."
renae the career coach career elevation course resume interview
Frank B.
Sr. SEO Manager

We Can't Forget About The Bonuses!

resume writing resource pack

resume and cover letter template library

$197 VALUE

There are so many different resume templates out there but not all are created equal. When you enroll in the Career Elevation Program you will get instant access to the best resume templates I’ve come across in my career. Not only do these allow you to easily plug -and-play but they’re also recruiter preferred. We can’t forget about Cover Letters either! You’ll also get several different cover letter templates so you’ll be able to choose the one that fits your specific situation and sounds most like you. 
resume writing resource pack

resume writing resource pack

$197 VALUE

It’s no secret that a well written resume will get you further in the job hunt. With the Resume Writing Resource Pack you won’t have to worry about the creative aspects of writing your resume. All the best details on writing copy will be provided to you and so you’ll be able to showcase your accomplishments in the best way possible. 
the network builder career elevation course build out your network

The Network Builder

$297 VALUE

Build out your network without feeling salesy or desperate. With the network builder you’ll get access to a variety of plug-and-play templates you can use depending on your specific situation and who you’re specifically wanting to connect with. 
job search organizer

the ultimate job search organizer

$297 VALUE

Staying organized in your job search is crutial and will help keep you from feeling overwhelmed. You’ll be able to speak to companies more clearly, know exactly which role a recruiter is calling you for without having to do additional digging. Recruiters will be able to tell when you’re on top of your search and it’s just another way to appropriately stand out. 
top 100 interview questions that are asked in a job interview

the top 100 interview questions

$297 VALUE

With this bonus, I’m sharing the top 100 interview questions that I know recruiters and hiring managers are asking. You’ll know what round in the interview they’re asked and how to approach answering each  question so you wont need to worry about getting caught off guard and you’ll know how to better prepare.
40 questions to ask the job interviewer in job interviews

40 best questions to ask the interviewer

$197 VALUE

Don’t underestimate the power of asking good questions in the interview! With this bonus I’m sharing the best questions I’ve been asked, as well as questions I know will get you the most value. You’ll know what stage of the interview to ask each question as well as who they should be directed to so you’ll be sure to impress. 
post interview pack

the post interview pack

$297 VALUE

The waiting after the interview can cause the most uncertainty and second guessing. With The Post Interview Pack you’ll have clear direction on what you can do to stay top of mind, get feedback more quickly and continue to leave a great impression. 

With the curriculum, coaching, Materials, and bonuses
the total value of this program is well over $5,000.

Normally priced at $897, Right Now You Can Get Everything For

Only $597

Payment Options

pay in full

1 Payment of

  • Lifetime access to the Career Elevation Program curriculum
  • Private student community
  • Resume and Cover Letter Template Library
  • Resume Writing Resource Pack
  • The Network Builder
  • The Ultimate Job Search Organizer
  • 100 Top Interview Questions
  • 40 best questions to ask the interviewer
  • Post Interview Pack

Split Pay

4 Payments of

  • Lifetime access to the Career Elevation Program curriculum
  • Private student community
  • Resume and Cover Letter Template Library
  • Resume Writing Resource Pack
  • The Network Builder
  • The Ultimate Job Search Organizer
  • 100 Top Interview Questions
  • 40 Best Questions To Ask The Interviewer
  • The Post Interview Pack

The Career Elevation Transform-Your-Career Program

The Career Elevation Program has a proven formula that I have seen work for so many career seekers from all different backgrounds and all stages of careers. I know it will work for you as well. While we do not offer a money-back guarantee, I do guarantee lifetime access to the program and that includes all and any upgrades ever. You’ll never have to worry about how to job search ever again. Due to the immediate access granted to the content of the entire program once you’ve enrolled, we cannot entertain refund requests. But we believe in The Career Elevation Program so much that you won't need one! We’ve packed this program with incredible mindset shifts, crucial tactics, established templates, and the ultimate plan to secure your ideal career. And don’t forget, once you've paid in full, you also get lifetime access to any content updates.

(Please note that we do offer different payment options for those that need a more adaptable payment plan. This is an agreement to pay in full over time, and not a monthly subscription service that can be canceled.)


Who is the Program for?

This is for any professional involved in the job hunting process looking to land a new full-time position and wants a clear path on how to get there quickly.

This applies to all industries and all career levels.  (student, entry-level, mid-level, senior-level).


How much access will I have to you as my coach?

 This is a self-paced course so you are going through the independently at your own speed. To support you further I will be active in the private Facebook group answering questions regularly.

IS this a live or recorded training

It’s both! The course content itself is recorded so you can learn at your own pace. You’ll get instant access to all the course material, workbooks, tools, templates, and bonuses too!

What happens once I enroll

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access The Career Elevation Program. Then everything is yours and you can get started right away!

You’ll be invited to join our private Facebook group where you’ll meet other career seekers like yourself and you’ll be able to build your incredible network. I’ll be in there answering questions and helping you along the way as well.

Time to Have A Little Heart To Heart

resume, interview, career elevation course

The number one thing that holds so many people back is fear.

Fear they won’t have what it takes.
Fear that this only works other people but not them.
Fear they won’t commit to making this work.
And if right now you’re wondering if you can actually pull this off – landing a life changing career you actually enjoy and look forward to… you’re not alone, I know because I was in your shoes once.

When I was navigating the many career paths before me, I felt lost and overwhelmed by the process, and the idea of doing well in an interview seemed impossible! If you would have told me then that I would have a successful career doing what I love, working with people I admire, and making a larger impact, I would have laughed at you!

But here’s the thing, I’m not anything special, I was just done feeling defeated and didn’t want to settle for a career I dreaded.

So when I tell you I know YOU CAN do this, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
You can land an exceptional career, love the team you work with, feel fulfilled in the work you do, and wake up excited to go to work!

You can have your ideal career AND a fulfilling life.
I created The Career Elevation Program to help you get noticed in the job search, show you exactly what hiring teams are wanting, and ultimately help you land a well paying career you look forward to.

Now get on in here and let’s get started!

Career Elevation Course

Coming Spring 2023!

Learn my proven 6-step process to getting hired in a career you’ll truly enjoy!

Get on the waitlist to get all the details and unique discounts!